The auricular is a method that is the stimulation of certain points of the ear (massage, application of beads, etc...) The objective is to mitigate or eliminate the pain (analgesic effect) and to correct functional disorders or organic. The auricular
has ancient origins. In a classic Chinese text of more than two thousand years ago (Neji Jing - Canon of Internal Medicine) speaks of the relationship between ear and internal organs. Probing the pavilion with a look-points, these are painful to pressure in case of imbalance. In the 50s was introduced in the west from French Nogier that draw a topographical map of reflex zones corresponding sull'orecchiorio of organs or tissues. The auricular
is effective when:
- joint pain, lumbar, cervical, dorsal and acute painful conditions such as periarthritis, sprain, sciatica, liver and renal colic, headache, trauma, etc..
- inflammation (conjunctivitis, ear infections, laryngitis, cystitis, etc. sty.)
- Digestive disorders (constipation, bloating etc).
- disorders of the skin (dryness, allergies, acne, eczema, herpes, etc.).
- Insomnia, anxiety and stress. The auricular
is contraindicated in cases of inflammatory diseases and ear infections in the course, it is also not recommended during menstruation, pregnancy or if the subject is treated by use of psychotropic drugs.
Appointments and consultations: 347.4929087
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