WHAT THE SOUL 'Negative Energy? What are the energies of "negative"?
not exist in an absolute sense a positive energy and negative.
universe exists only energy.
mode that allows us to know the reality is comparative.
We are able, that is, understand the world only by comparing the most experience.
The so-called "negative" takes shape only in relation to something else.
Rain can ruin plans for a picnic but can
nourish vegetation.
Similarly an object takes on a value in relation to the use made of it.
with a knife can hurt a person or nourish it by offering a slice of bread.
The meaning positive or negative depends from the point of view.
A situation becomes good or bad in relation to our needs.
If my company fails, someone else will take my place benefiting from the space I have left.
It is said that to me are just trouble. Sometimes, only in this way we can understand that our way is somewhere else, and maybe changing career path, we can find a much more satisfying and rewarding.
To change point of view we need energy, and energy in the cosmos there is plenty. Discover this fact leads to significant changes in the perception of our everyday lives.
Changing perspective can better focus resources and motivation to find more consistent and constructive in all that happens around us.
Many times, locked in a static perspective, we are not aware of how life is giving us real signs for a change of course necessary to our well-being.
So if there are no negative energy, what are the feelings we experience in dealing with certain persons or in going to certain places?
In the world of holistic practitioners, we often hear people talk about how to protect themselves from negative influences that can be received during the treatments.
The fear of contamination ...
Have you ever played Chinese checkers?
This is a plan in the form of six-pointed star, a symbol popular in the world, in all cultures and civilizations in history, where each bit is home to 10 balls that should move up to occupy the opposite sides of the star .
Often, when you learn how to play Chinese checkers, it tends to remain in the starting position for fear of leaving space to the opponent and thus losing the game.
But the main purpose is not to stop the movement of the opponent but to arrive with all our spheres arranged on the opposite side of the playing field.
When you understand this, the first few times, you find all the balls placed in front of our opponents 'home' and open the door just suffer a real invasion of the mass. At that point, we are no longer able to sustain the situation.
I remember when I lived the same experience, I was overwhelmed by the laughter of my fat teacher, composing explained to me that we should not be afraid to open the door if you want to leave. Without even open up and let in the "bacteria" can not go anywhere. So
alive contamination! A
energy level, I've always been taught by the masters of the Andes not to be afraid of the inhabitants of this universe that is alive and intelligent energy.
The cosmos is democratic. Having
us our energy house, we open ourselves to decide whether or not the outside.
The decision is solely ours. Free will ...
A question of responsibility.
If we recognize a situation that we are not able to manage, we are free to decide whether to deal with it.
Then, with a change of perspective, we can say that it's all about capacity management situations. That is, the more we learn to unravel the complex and difficult situations, the more we will be free of cose.
We are like children who must grow, Ipari increasingly difficult to digest.
When we are born, we are fed. It 'impossible to give a baby a steak.
His stomach will never be able to digest fiber of that type.
E 'this is a case to argue that the steak is not, or does it hurt?
Maybe it's just a matter of time and practice. When the child grows older, his stomach also learn to digest the solid parts of increasingly complex and heavy.
The same thing applies to energy. As you learn to use your stomach energy, and increase their functionality, each person becomes more able to digest heavy energy, will integrate all the nutrients they contain.