Monday, August 9, 2010

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In a passage from the Old Testament (Genesis, 28, 17), it recounts how Jacob stopped to rest in the city of Beth-El (which in Hebrew means House of God) was in dream vision of a ladder rising from earth to heaven. Upon waking up in that place erected a stele that anointed with these words:
"est locus iste Terribilis! Haec est domus Dei et porta coeli"
(This is a terrible place! This is the house of God and the gate of Heaven).
Strictly speaking, we define what is connected to the sacred experience of a reality that people feel as totally other, towards which they feel dependent, and at the same time frightened and fascinated.
Sometimes we can live this experience in front of a place, a tree or a person in whom he saw something 'other', which does not belong to our reality, indefinable, why not dictated by physical characteristics.
E 'then we enter the dimension of the sacred, ineffable, the magical.
A state of consciousness that eludes the mind.
A dimension that has always been the target of exploration by all those people who can do with other "eyes" the world outside and inside.

These pages lead to two main areas of interest:

sacred geography of the soul
A series of useful tools in the path of growth individuals in connection with the forces of healing and transformation of the universe. Ear, harmonization of the energy centers, courses and seminars pitches, etc..

The sacred geography of the places used by centuries to come into contact with the energies of the cosmos. Articles, photo galleries, videos, reviews, etc.. A collaborative space for researchers and the curious.

The trip, is that within a geographical space that is within oneself is always a force for shaping that change the identity, mind, consciousness of the traveler .

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The idea of \u200b\u200bharmony and well-being that inspires me refers to a holistic conception of the individual understood as a unity of mind, body and spirit.
The method of work draws inspired by Western techniques and Eastern wisdom traditions, respecting the individual in its natural complexity and uniqueness.

and 'the harmonious integration of mind, body and spirit that allows each of us to achieve well-being.

A real journey that takes shape as a function of demand and the needs of the individual or group.

A journey that begins with, but over time, learned the necessary tools, leads to the independence of the subject by putting himself in position to continue its exploration of the universe.

routes towards harmony and wellbeing can be multiple and not necessarily exclude each other, and indeed may well complement each bring something significant.

Using the tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine and of ' Ear you are able to perform an energy analysis of the psycho-physical condition of the person.

L ' openness and harmonization of Chakras by Limpia despachos and help to explore the energetic and spiritual, revealing the "places" where the energy is not running in a fluid.
cleaning energy can be performed on persons or physical locations such as workplaces, homes, gyms, etc..
I despachos , can be considered from a psychological point of view, the equivalent of the Andean eastern mandalas intended as a representation of cosmological inner contents.
It is a ritual of connection and order harmonic components of the deepest forces of the human soul.

The Touch of Dionysus is an exploration of matter and its impulses. Slow, rhythmic movements, on the whole the body that make a relaxing trip into the deepest recesses of consciousness in search of inspiration.
work on the archetypal images that our being is naturally capable of producing through dreams. The Touch of Dionysus leads to deep relaxation similar to sleep when the mind enters a state of creative silence.
E 'so that the symbols take the form of higher consciousness. Images hiding interpretations useful to see a more polished the problems of "real" life.

In Courses work is on two levels, body and energy using Taiji, Qigong and techniques of the Andean spiritual tradition.
During the meetings is given particular importance to the experiential, which is still supported by theoretical explanations about how the meaning and practices.

good trip ...

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WHAT THE SOUL 'Negative Energy?

What are the energies of "negative"?
not exist in an absolute sense a positive energy and negative.
universe exists only energy.
mode that allows us to know the reality is comparative.

We are able, that is, understand the world only by comparing the most experience.

The so-called "negative" takes shape only in relation to something else.
Rain can ruin plans for a picnic but can
nourish vegetation.
Similarly an object takes on a value in relation to the use made of it.
with a knife can hurt a person or nourish it by offering a slice of bread.
The meaning positive or negative depends from the point of view.
A situation becomes good or bad in relation to our needs.
If my company fails, someone else will take my place benefiting from the space I have left.
It is said that to me are just trouble. Sometimes, only in this way we can understand that our way is somewhere else, and maybe changing career path, we can find a much more satisfying and rewarding.
To change point of view we need energy, and energy in the cosmos there is plenty. Discover this fact leads to significant changes in the perception of our everyday lives.
Changing perspective can better focus resources and motivation to find more consistent and constructive in all that happens around us.
Many times, locked in a static perspective, we are not aware of how life is giving us real signs for a change of course necessary to our well-being.
So if there are no negative energy, what are the feelings we experience in dealing with certain persons or in going to certain places?
In the world of holistic practitioners, we often hear people talk about how to protect themselves from negative influences that can be received during the treatments.
The fear of contamination ...
Have you ever played Chinese checkers?
This is a plan in the form of six-pointed star, a symbol popular in the world, in all cultures and civilizations in history, where each bit is home to 10 balls that should move up to occupy the opposite sides of the star .
Often, when you learn how to play Chinese checkers, it tends to remain in the starting position for fear of leaving space to the opponent and thus losing the game.
But the main purpose is not to stop the movement of the opponent but to arrive with all our spheres arranged on the opposite side of the playing field.
When you understand this, the first few times, you find all the balls placed in front of our opponents 'home' and open the door just suffer a real invasion of the mass. At that point, we are no longer able to sustain the situation.
I remember when I lived the same experience, I was overwhelmed by the laughter of my fat teacher, composing explained to me that we should not be afraid to open the door if you want to leave. Without even open up and let in the "bacteria" can not go anywhere. So
alive contamination! A
energy level, I've always been taught by the masters of the Andes not to be afraid of the inhabitants of this universe that is alive and intelligent energy.
The cosmos is democratic. Having
us our energy house, we open ourselves to decide whether or not the outside.
The decision is solely ours. Free will ...
A question of responsibility.
If we recognize a situation that we are not able to manage, we are free to decide whether to deal with it.
Then, with a change of perspective, we can say that it's all about capacity management situations. That is, the more we learn to unravel the complex and difficult situations, the more we will be free of cose.
We are like children who must grow, Ipari increasingly difficult to digest.
When we are born, we are fed. It 'impossible to give a baby a steak.
His stomach will never be able to digest fiber of that type.
E 'this is a case to argue that the steak is not, or does it hurt?
Maybe it's just a matter of time and practice. When the child grows older, his stomach also learn to digest the solid parts of increasingly complex and heavy.
The same thing applies to energy. As you learn to use your stomach energy, and increase their functionality, each person becomes more able to digest heavy energy, will integrate all the nutrients they contain.

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The auricular is a method that is the stimulation of certain points of the ear (massage, application of beads, etc...) The objective is to mitigate or eliminate the pain (analgesic effect) and to correct functional disorders or organic. The auricular
has ancient origins. In a classic Chinese text of more than two thousand years ago (Neji Jing - Canon of Internal Medicine) speaks of the relationship between ear and internal organs. Probing the pavilion with a look-points, these are painful to pressure in case of imbalance. In the 50s was introduced in the west from French Nogier that draw a topographical map of reflex zones corresponding sull'orecchiorio of organs or tissues. The auricular

is effective when:

- joint pain, lumbar, cervical, dorsal and acute painful conditions such as periarthritis, sprain, sciatica, liver and renal colic, headache, trauma, etc..
- inflammation (conjunctivitis, ear infections, laryngitis, cystitis, etc. sty.)
- Digestive disorders (constipation, bloating etc).
- disorders of the skin (dryness, allergies, acne, eczema, herpes, etc.).
- Insomnia, anxiety and stress. The auricular

is contraindicated in cases of inflammatory diseases and ear infections in the course, it is also not recommended during menstruation, pregnancy or if the subject is treated by use of psychotropic drugs.

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Touched by Dionysus is not only a physical act, but a form of contact that will act also on the mind and spirit.
It 's a real journey into the deepest self in ritual form.
The atmosphere is created that allows you to enter in connection with the divine part of the individual, bringing out the universal force necessary to undertake a path of spiritual growth through bodily experience.
The awakening of the energies associated with the pulses, mediated by the heart, allows you to harmonize the various parts that make up our being, leading to a deep connection with the evolutionary potential present in everyone of us.

A touch of love load which leads to a profound sense of wellbeing and centering.

The ritual

The ritual provides the means to get in connection with the natural forces that, in continuous transformation, act and govern the universe. It 's the ultimate way to create a sacred space.
Harmonisation energy centers of the four (two male and two female) that constitute the basic structure of the individual involves subtle integration between the person and his soul.
activate it this connection between the two levels of the real (intelligible and sensible), ritual acts through the symbolic reproduction of the event that you wish to speak.
The kind of insight or inspiration that emerges from all this is not a rational thinking but is more like artistic intuition of the dreamer or seer.

Olive oil

The olive tree is known worldwide as a symbol of victory and triumph and, consequently, peace. Chrism, or anointing sacred runs with olive oil as a rite of purification and initiation ceremonies, just think, eg. in Christian baptism.
With the addition of essential oils refined calibrated ad hoc, it combines the effect of aromatherapy to the ritual.


The verbena, popularly called "grass of the crossroads" was hung in a defensive -protective, in the form of a cross on the doors and crossroads. The very fragrant plant also was used frequently together to incense for fumigation in magic. The symbolic meanings assigned by the language of flowers on these plants are "spell" and "spell" and both refer attributed to ancient beliefs that the verbena even magical powers, especially of awakening love in the hearts of lovers whose ardor was asleep.
unit is capable of elevating to incense the prayers up, allowing further connection to the celestial spheres, the place from which we receive inspiration and information to our spiritual path.

Hands of Dionysus accompany the body in a state of rest, bringing the mind into the realm of Hypnos, the god of sleep, who can fall asleep and men.
movements slow and repetitive, sensitive and insightful, in a space made sacred by ritual, induce a widespread relaxation which leads to the threshold of sleep.
The body sinks into a hypnotic state and go beyond the limits of physicality, but allows freedom of expression to the soul and spirit.
It creates a state of stillness, silence and solitude, where you can get in connection with the energies of the deepest and most hidden of being in union with the cosmic whole.

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"Open and harmonize" the chakras and energy centers allows you to connect, of course, the universal source and live our lives positively.

Social relations create an interaction between the energy fields of the individual. These connections can be full of energy or heavy fine, or what is commonly consider " negativity."

Limpia and texture of the bands are practices of Andean tradition that allow you to stop putting off the heavy connections to the source from which they originate. If someone has thrown upon us a certain type of energy, it will return to the source with the same quality, causing a feeling of liberation. When you perform this ritual
our field receives an enormous amount of energy is amplified and end, bringing prosperity and useful information to our growth. The Limpia
improves the ability to contact and absorption of vital energy that nourishes the personal power and potential like a seed that is present in all of us. Bring together the energies of the centers of energy equivalent to that seed to sprout and bloom, bringing quality to our lives. The
despachos universe are offered to help reorganize its energy structure, accompanying the individual in the processes of growth and renewal. Is carried out to seek mental and spiritual strength to overcome difficult situations or to obtain tools from the cosmos to our evolution.
despachos I can create an energetic space of interaction among themselves in their totality and the surrounding reality. Open space of this kind generates, from a point of view, the Andes, a movement of energy that end, in accordance with the principle of reciprocity Andean (Ayni), is doomed to return to all those participating in the ritual.

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The hermitage of Sant 'Angelo in Lacu (Castelgandolfo - RM)

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Sunday, August 8, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Sayings

My first time ...

When, about a year ago, almost two (wow how time passes), I began to turn to blogs, I came across a strange, very curious, with a different style Everytime, I would say very flashy and colorful. Offhand, I said "noo .. I do not care a type of this kind, too messed up, not for me and then they are no longer a little girl! "But day after day, managed to intrigue me more and more, teased my imagination and so I found myself increasingly looking for him.
As long as I gave in and decided that we could meet. I was excited, I looked at everything I bought to prepare for our first date but I did not dare touch anything. I chose something simple, without too many accessories or embellishments one might say. I turned for home in anxious and wondering ... how it will be, will be fine, or it will be a tragedy, oh how I act! "Then, after realizing that the time had come and that I would not give me a move I would have made to do everything on time, I looked inside me all the courage and gave way to this new adventure. The occasion was the birth of the child of my neighbors. We would meet for the occasion. Besides, I needed an excuse to disengage from the routine. These are our first pictures, unfortunately, as usual, did not turn out very well, hope for the future. I do not know if this story will be continued or if it was just an infatuation, a moment of weakness. We'll see!

Ah, I forgot to tell you that "he" or my new infatuation is called scrapbooking!
Hello and happy Sunday to all.